One of life’s great pleasures.

Travelling is one of life’s great pleasures. The chance to visit different places, try new things and experience wonderful adventures. Travelling helps to create unforgettable memories. “We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.” Yes, travel helps us live life to the full. We get to learn from the experiences and discover things. We… More One of life’s great pleasures.

Who is/was the world’s greatest traveler?

Back in 2006, Wanderlust asked a selection of experts to pick the person who they believe has most changed the way we travel. There list of top 10 best travelers of all time was: FRIDTJOF NANSEN (1861-1930) CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS (1451-1506) XUANZANG (602-644 OR 664) IBN BATTUTA (1304-1368 OR 1377) APHRA BEHN (1640-1689) CAPTAIN JAMES COOK… More Who is/was the world’s greatest traveler?