Spending family time with teenagers

Family Time

A study suggests it takes six hours a week ‘family time’ a week to tame a teenager. Laura Donnelly reported in The telegraph that research by the University of Toronto and Bowling Green State University in Ohio, tracking 1,600 children, “found six hours a week of “family time” made a significant difference to a teenager’s wellbeing and achievement. Time spent with parents was associated with lower rates of delinquent behaviour, with less drug and alcohol abuse, and higher academic grades.”

group of friends smiling

This follows on from a study in 2012 that showed teenagers form closer bonds with the family when their fathers spend more time with them. That study, of 647 U.S. households by Brigham Young University, concluded that when fathers invested time in low-cost, home-based, spontaneous activities close to or in the home, the activities helped build a happy family foundation on which to build lasting relationships.

Looking for things to do with your teenagers this summer?

Holidays can be a great time to bond as a family. Try to find activities you can enjoy together. Play sport, go sightseeing, learn something new.

You could also consider booking a treasure hunt. Treasure Hunts in London offer private treasure hunts, both indoor and outdoor, all year round. Contact them at Treasure Hunts in London

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