Manifest the life you want

First you need to work out what sort of life you want. Consider what makes you happy. What would you like more of? What would you ditch in a heartbeat?

Start by defining what it is you truly want. State what you want. Insist and demand your heart’s desire. Let the universe know you’ll settle for nothing less. However, remember to leave room (when expressing your end result) for things that are “Even Better”.

You may think there is only one way of achieving your goals. Don’t be too focused on only one way. There isn’t. The universe will have many paths (better paths?) that can lead to the same outcome. Or an “Even Better” one.

Next you need to be consistent when you express (manifest) the Life You Want. Think about what you say you want. What words do you use? What have you visualised you want? Have you considered making a vision board? They can help to highlight the things you want. But remember they are just a guide. You are manifesting something like that or “Even Better”.

Your thoughts, words and deeds must be in alignment or the Universe will be confused about what you really desire.

Now you can imagine the life you want, you can start taking baby steps towards it. Concentrate on your dream life, and be grateful and happy with any progress you make. Your dream life won’t to happen overnight. Change takes time. While you head towards the life you want, make sure you lead a well-rounded life, and allow time for other dreams to come and go.

Along the way, allow time to reflect on what has changed. You can change your mind as you go. You may have always wanted a sports car but now find a motorbike is more aligned to your new lifestyle. Or you thought you’d love a cottage by the beach but you’d actually prefer a flat in the city centre near the vibrant nightlife.

It’s your ideal life and you can manifest any lifestyle you want.

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