Did you know the Easter Bunny was originally a hare?

So you should be getting Easter eggs today from the Easter Hare. Yes, there is a difference! Hares are larger, haven’t been domesticated, and live in flattened nest-like areas of grass called forms rather than underground. Where did this idea start? The legend of the Easter Bunny can be traced back to a 16th-century German character named Osterhase,… More Did you know the Easter Bunny was originally a hare?

Not an Easter Bunny, but a murder mystery…..

Run Rabbit Run   This Easter how about throwing a Murder Mystery Party with a “Bunny” theme? Run Rabbit Run is about a theatre production that has had some bad luck. The DeVere theatre company has returned home to the Good Fortune theatre to start rehearsals for its next production. However, its only the first day of… More Not an Easter Bunny, but a murder mystery…..

A Bunny’s Tale – The Easter Egg Cover Up!

This Easter there should have been a normal cultural treasure hunt somewhere in London by Treasure Hunts in London…… ……..but something EGGS-trordinary happened.     Word has it that The Easter Bunny has been partying with The Knave of Hearts and has been neglecting her job. Worse than that The Easter Bunny has been leaving… More A Bunny’s Tale – The Easter Egg Cover Up!

Not an Easter Bunny

Run Rabbit Run   This Easter how about throwing a murder Mystery Party with a “Bunny” theme? Run Rabbit Run is about a theatre production that has had some bad luck. The DeVere theatre company has returned home to the Good Fortune theatre to start rehearsals for its next production. However, its only the first day of… More Not an Easter Bunny