Curran Van Waarde answered “…..The journey is more important than the destination because what matters the most are the adventures we have, the people we meet and the opportunities we seize along the way to success.”
This thought is echoed by Tommy Chang. He replied “As we mark our milestones and achieve all we’ve set out to do, looking back we may be surprised to find that all along, our joy is more often found in the peaks and valleys of life rather than at the destination.”
James Parkinson agrees – “Learning to enjoy the journey is all about being grateful for what you have in the present, and recognising how far you’ve come on your journey at the present moment in time.”
Rich Rudzinski suggests “when you’ve gone through several steps to achieve your goals these steps can teach you more about life than the goal itself.…..In essence, reaching your goal is a by-product of the journey.”
So while the destination is the finish line, the important thing is the fond memories that come out of the journey. As Joel Jackson says “When you’re pursuing your goal and doing so alongside people you like and respect, that’s what you’ll look back on the most. Ask any professional or college athlete who won a championship and they will tell you that their best memories come from the moments that led them to that final victory. You appreciate the growth you experienced while on the road to victory as much as the victory itself.”
Life is not an end goal. It is not a race to the finish line. Life is a journey. It is an adventure.
Over time we wear many hats. Some based on our family position – daughter, wife, and mother. Some based on our education – student, graduate. Some based on our jobs, others based on our hobbies. But letting go of people’s expectations of you is the first step to finding your wildly authentic self. As Maria Shriver wrote “No matter your age, you must always be asking yourself, “Who am I going to be?” It makes life exciting and can also lead to an awakening.”
Yes, it takes time to find your sense of passion and purpose. But why deny what truly makes you happy as you search? Be brave enough to embark on a journey of self-discovery. And share what you learn along the way with like minded travellers.
The City Adventurers
The UK based Social Club for people who love exploring new places, discovering new things and solving mysteries.
Life is a journey so experience it’s adventure with like minded people. Live the life you’ve always dreamt of.
Full City Adventurers Membership includes invitations to adventures and travel mainly in the UK
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