Lost Victorian City: a London disappeared – Exhibition

The City Adventurers visited the latest exhibition at the London Metropolitan Archives. Using their collections they had produced “Lost Victorian City: a London disappeared”. This exhibition featured photographs and records of buildings that have long since disappeared. It showed a way of life that has drastically changed.

City Adventurers at the lost Victorian city exhibition – photo by Juliamaud
City Adventurers at the lost Victorian city exhibition – photo by Juliamaud

The nineteenth century saw a huge increase in the population of London from just over two million at the time of the 1841 census to around six million by the end of Queen Victoria’s reign in 1901. This inevitably shaped the city with an intense period of building to make way for a new infrastructure that impacted the lives of the people of London. Developments in the twentieth century cleared some of the Victorian buildings as they were beginning to be considered old fashioned. Bomb damage during the Second World War also saw many parts of Victorian London swept away.

London Metropolitan Archives

For more information on London Metropolitan Archives visit 1000 years of London | Instagram | Linktree

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The City Adventurers at an event

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