Kyoto – review

If you want a thought-provoking night out in London, head to the Soho Place Theatre and see “Kyoto”.

Truly a play for our times, even though it concerns political events in 1997. Billed as a political thriller, it does not concern party politics but global politics as the subject matter is Climate Change. The City Adventurers saw the production the same week that the USA withdrew from the Paris agreement of COP21. A timely reminder that agreement on climate change is still a long way off.

In “Kyoto”, the action is set around the early COP (Conference of the Parties) meetings, culminating in the third COP in 1997. You could be wondering if such a topic will make for an entertaining night out. Let me assure you, it does.

This play is humorous, even though it concerns a serious subject, and manages to engage the audience emotionally in the debate.


We arrived at the theatre early and ordered drinks in the bar. As the venue filled announcements were made for all delegates to make their way to the conference hall. As we entered the auditorium we were given our delegate lanyards. It was obvious we would not just be watching the performance but would be made to feel part of it, even though very few audience members were actually required to interact with the actors.

Yes, there was a little interaction. The play is in the round with a raised circular set which doubles as a conference table where the international delegates and some members of the audience sit. After the interval some of the delegates mingle with the audience before taking their place at the table.

delegate badges
Delegate badges

The Play

The play begins with an introduction by Don Pearlman, a narrator to the proceedings but also the villain of the piece. As he explains, he is the only one who was there through it all that can tell the story.

Don is a man who claims he wants to spend time with his family but who is driven by lobbying on behalf of the “seven sisters” oil corporations. Formerly a no-nonsense lawyer, he becomes a blinkered puppet, influencing international politics to prevent UN resolutions from being passed.

As scientists start to warn about man-made greenhouse gas emissions accelerating climate change, Don is firmly on the side of the fossil fuel lobbyists. He is committed to stopping international treaties on targets and timetables that would cut these emissions. To give himself even more power at the table, Don starts the Climate Council’, although this has nothing to do with saving the climate or the planet.

Don justifies his stance, to himself as much as to the audience, by reminding us that oil may threaten life on this planet, but it is fossil fuel that enables all our manufacturing processes.

The family man

The play contains a subplot with Don’s wife Shirley. She was expecting to have him back by her side once he stopped being a government lawyer and was looking forward to travelling the world. While she gets her dream of travel, she does not get her husband. Sure, he takes her around the globe but that is to conferences, and he leaves her to go play politics. Over time she becomes aware of his dodgy dealings.

Don ‘s work also takes him away from their son. There is a poignant speech where Shirley overhears Don “talking” to their son about coming to accept that you pass the planet on to your children and how you want to pass on something good to the next generations. But as she looks, she realises he is not actually talking to their son at all. What could have been a potential redeeming feature is snuffed out, as it is obvious to her and the audience that Don cares nothing about what the next generation inherits as long as his paymasters are satisfied.

The players

The international delegates themselves include a lot of notable characters. For example, Ambassador Raúl Estrada-Oyuela, (Argentina), Chairman of COP3, plus Angela Merkel (Germany) and John Prescott (United Kingdom). Not so easy to name are the delegates from USA, Kiribati, Saudi Arabia, Japan and China. All give powerful performances promoting their countries stance.

Kyoto delegates
Kyoto delegates

Negotiation and diplomacy

On the one hand this is a play about the environment. On the other it is about cut-throat diplomacy.

It warns of having fixed beliefs and how negotiation requires compromise.

It covers geopolitics and the needs of developed versus developing countries.

It highlights the perils of everyone being out for themselves, to the detriment of the planet as a whole.

Kyoto highlights the negotiations and diplomacy that, until then, had failed to reach any agreement on reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

The future

It is a true story with a happy ending……..but stories don’t always continue with living happily ever after.

Kyoto is an impressive piece of theatre and is particularly relevant in today’s climate (pun).

Set in 1997, the Don Pearlman character looks back fondly and laments the passing of the Reagan administration (1989). Having watched this play about climate change conferences to 1997, you are left lamenting the passing of subsequent administrations and the wasted years trying to get agreements passed ever since.

Now, in 2025, are we any further forward?

While the discussion of Climate Change is even more relevant today, watching how it was treated in the 1990’s is unsettling. Knowing we have not learnt from our mistakes, are not moving forward and, dare I say, regressing, is both frightening and depressing.

An emotionally charged play that deserves to be seen right now.

Kyoto at Soho Place -  photo by Juliamaud
Kyoto at Soho Place – photo by Juliamaud

Tickets to Kyoto are available from Theatre Tickets Direct until 3rd May 2025.

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