Emporia State University Theatre Arts performed TOO MANY COOKS from 9th to 12th June in the Bruder Theatre.
This was part of their 60th anniversary season. The Canadian comedy has been hailed by critics as “hilarious,” “brilliantly written” and “a huge success.”
The plot, taken from the group Facebook page, states
“It’s 1932 in Niagara Falls, Canada, where Irving Bubbalowe (Andrew McCutcheon) and his daughter, Honey (Aubrey Near), have risked everything they have to open a new gourmet restaurant. When their star – the renowned singing chef François LaPlouffe – fails to appear, their grand opening is suddenly placed in jeopardy. Suddenly unemployed chef Frank Plunkett (Brock Boudoin) wanders in looking for work and is persuaded to masquerade as the missing LaPlouffe. The beleaguered Bubbalowe also has to contend with Chicago gangster Alfonse Feghetti (Nathan Dale Short) and his sidekick (Emmanuel Cockrell) who have come looking for an illegal shipment of booze and deliveryman Mickey McCall (John Lloyd Stafford III). In addition, Bubbalowe has to keep at bay the hot-blooded Immigration officer Veronica Snook (Sydney Main) as well as a suspicious teetotalling Mountie (Landon Noll) and his horse Rosie (George Spelvin).”
The show raised almost $150 for Theatre Scholarships.
Another TOO MANY COOKS to try at home…..
This one is the setting for a murder mystery where Too Many Cooks spoil more than the broth.
This 8 Player game opens at the highlight of the culinary year, the annual British Good Food Awards dinner. But before the prizes can be awarded, Veronica Hacker, the investigative journalist, is found dead in her suite. Was she the victim of revenge, or another dish best served cold…….