Bucket List Trip – A German Christmas Market

“Visit a German Christmas market” What could be more festive than ticking off “visit a German Christmas market” from your bucket list? This year we decided to visit Berlin, which has around 70 Christmas markets. Origin of German Christmas Markets German Christmas markets date back to the 14th century. The Christmas Market will usually be located in the… More Bucket List Trip – A German Christmas Market

Crossword Puzzle Day 21st December

Crossword Puzzle Day This is your opportunity to start sharpening your pencil and get sharpening your brain. To celebrate Crossword Puzzle Day, try solving a crossword or creating a crossword puzzle of your own. Varieties include acrostic, arroword, and skeleton crosswords, as well as straight and cryptic crossword. Elizabeth Kingsley The first double-crostic puzzle was published… More Crossword Puzzle Day 21st December

Answer the Telephone Like Buddy the Elf Day

What’s your favorite color? Mine’s red. And now it’s time to find out what colour other people like as December 18th is Answer the Telephone Like Buddy the Elf Day. Want to take part? Just answer the phone and say “(Insert your Name) the Elf, what’s your favorite color.” Don’t forget to use #AnswerThePhoneLikeBuddyTheElfDay  on social… More Answer the Telephone Like Buddy the Elf Day

Have you been good?

In Germany it’s traditional for children to leave their shoes outside their bedroom doors on the 5th December. If they have been good “Nikolaus” will visit during the night to fill their shoes with sweeties. But if they have been bad, then a knight called Ruprecht visits instead. Knecht Ruprecht carries a long staff and wears… More Have you been good?

Christmas lights

London’s West End lights up for Christmas. Back in 1948, Regent Street started being lined with Christmas trees throughout the festive period. The following year part of the street was lit for Christmas. The first full Christmas light display of the street started in 1954, although there were no Christmas lights from 1972 to 1977 due to a lack… More Christmas lights