Doctor Who – Time Fracture

The City Adventurers received a call that UNIT needed us. It seems we had been nominated by The Doctor to help save the planet. For such an important mission we quickly gathered our team of specially trained operatives and headed to a secret location in London.

As soon as we arrived we were shown into the offices of UNIT HQ, before being led in to an emergency briefing. A weapon of unknown origin had destroyed a small part of London. Simultaneously it had opened a rift in space and time. In other words, it had created a Time Fracture.

While UNIT had been fighting to protect the people of Earth from this danger, the fracture had multiplied out of control. Close to defeat, they required our help….

Could we save our planet?

What happened?

The start of the mission was a bit like entering an escape room. There was so much to see, so much to take in, so many references to characters in the TV series. It was impossible to know what to look at first and what would be important. Turns out, not a lot was important. It was just scene setting before the big reveal and the start of interacting with the actors in this immersive production.

Dr Who Time Fracture - photo by Juliamaud
Dr Who Time Fracture – photo by Juliamaud

Some people had VIP tickets and were singled out for extra interaction. The rest of us formed large (vague) groups around a nearby actor and heard the narrative from their point of view. No-one had to interact who didn’t want to, but the actors were good at including everyone in the story.

And there were a lot of actors involved. Some reports say 42 actors over multiple rooms and up to 17 different worlds. With so much to see, we only got to see a small proportion of things. We followed the story arc, but only from the point of view of the actors we happened to follow.

In other words, we got to meet certain characters in certain rooms or areas. But we didn’t get to meet every character, or see every room. For example, our group got to meet Leonardo da Vinci twice, but did not get to visit Tudor England.

Nor did we get to see every monster. There is only one Dalek and the Cyberman appeared so briefly he was completely missed by one of our party!

Which Who?

Which Doctor is used for this production? The answer is Multiple Doctors. They all come together with pre-recorded cameos and voice-overs.

Did we succeed?

The fact that you are reading this probably means we did. And we had great fun doing so.

Then it was back to UNIT HQ for a celebration and photo opportunity.

This event is Recommended

Dr Who Time Fracture – photo by Juliamaud

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