Laurel & Chaplin – The Feud

The City Adventurers recently went to see a play about the feud between two of the funniest, most famous people of the last century. Laurel and Chaplin tells the true story of the pair, who worked together as teenage friends, but who stopped speaking to each other…..

Charlie Chaplin was the star of the show with Stan Laurel his loyal understudy. But when Chaplin started making his name in Hollywood, he left his friends behind. In fact, Charlie ignored Stan, even when Laurel became a star in his own right. The pair never spoke again for twenty-five years.

An interesting story told with humour, slapstick, burlesque and cirque by a talented cast of eight multi-talented performers.

The night we went we were glad we were not too near the front as there is an element of audience participation. See the trailer at

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