Keep looking for the gin to go with your lemon

Just when you think things are working out, life throws you a curveball Every so often life throws you a curveball. Something that comes out of nowhere to seriously mess things up. And occasionally that “something” that knocked you down is followed by “something else” that gives you a good kicking while you are trying to get… More Keep looking for the gin to go with your lemon

The School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Have you dreamt of receiving a letter telling you you’re really a witch or wizard and you’ve just been admitted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? As Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the primary setting for the first six books in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, is a fictional British school of magic this remains a dream. Or does… More The School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Have a mini adventure

How would you like to create a mini adventure? Time to plan something small that is different to your normal routine! And remember it’s more fun to share the adventure, so find someone to share the experience with you. Choose an activity or challenge Do something you’ve never done before. Set yourself a challenge or… More Have a mini adventure

The Diplomats

The Diplomats is a murder mystery by Murder 57 We arrived for the evening event at the Best Western Royal Clifton Hotel & Spa just in time. The drive had been horrendous and we feared we were not going to make it. Having set off from London in sunshine, the weather deteriorated. We were soon… More The Diplomats

Light up your life

The Blackpool Illuminations have been an annual event in Blackpool for over 100 years. These world famous lights stretch for six miles along the promenade, a bit like Christmas lights but in the autumn. Switch on takes place on the Friday night following August Bank Holiday Monday. I’d not been to Blackpool, so visiting the Blackpool… More Light up your life