The Mallorca Files

This time last year we were jetting off to Mallorca for a week in the sun. How things have changed! To recapture memories of that picturesque island, just tune in to BBC iPlayer and watch The Mallorca Files. This daytime cop show tells the story of a mismatched team of police detectives working in Mallorca:… More The Mallorca Files

Hotel Alpha

Just finished reading Hotel Alpha by Mark Watson.  The book is narrated between Graham, the concierge of the hotel, and Chas, the blind adopted son of the hotel’s owner. Chas had been blinded by a fire at the hotel, which killed his mother. Howard York, the hotel owner rebuilt the Alpha and adopted Chas. The book was not… More Hotel Alpha

Things to do at home – Escape rooms in a box – part 5

As the City adventurers are unable to actually visit escape rooms, I am going to add my reviews of Escape Games in a box that can be played at home. Next up is:- Deckscape – The Fate of London We got another Deckscape Escape Room in a box game for Christmas. As before, with Deckscape – Test Time,… More Things to do at home – Escape rooms in a box – part 5

Things to do at home – Escape rooms in a box – part 4

As the City adventurers are unable to actually visit escape rooms, I am going to add my reviews of Escape Games in a box that can be played at home. Exit: The Pharaoh’s Tomb EXIT Escape Rooms In A Box  can only be played once as some of the pieces are destroyed during play, unlike the Deckscape game.… More Things to do at home – Escape rooms in a box – part 4

A Night At The….

As the City Adventurers are not able to go to the theatre, it’s great that there are online theatre shows coming to them. National Theatre At Home Last week we were able to watch “One Man, Two Guvnors” being shown by the National Theatre At Home. Francis Henshall, played by James Corden, becomes minder to… More A Night At The….