The City Adventurers headed into central London to try out the cheekily named Swingers. No, it’s not what you are thinking, but a chance to swing your club playing indoor crazy golf.… More Swingers
The City Adventurers headed into central London to try out the cheekily named Swingers. No, it’s not what you are thinking, but a chance to swing your club playing indoor crazy golf.… More Swingers
The only Japanese Teppan-Yaki in Nottingham
… More The only Japanese Teppan-Yaki in Nottingham
Fascinating Aïda is a British comedy singing group and satirical cabaret act founded in March 1983. Still going strong, the cabaret trio are back with a rescheduled tour, which started in Bath on 29th January. The City Adventurers caught up with them in Nottingham in February. Well, with three Olivier Award nominations, 3 New York Drama… More Fascinating Aïda
While on a trip to Coventry, the City Adventurers paid a visit to the Secret Quarry Garden.… More Do you want to know a secret?
Ancient Greeks: Science and Wisdom The City Adventurers headed to the Science Museum in London to see their exhibition Ancient Greeks: Science and Wisdom. “Through the intellectual fusion of the arts, science and religion, ancient Greek thinkers sought to understand the world in a logical and mathematical way.” Although the exhibition covers 7 areas. it was… More Day trip to the Science Museum
While the City Adventurers were in Edinburgh last year we went to see Brendan Murphy in his one man play “Friend”. FRIEND tells the whole F.R.I.E.N.D.S saga from the point of view of Gunther, the barista in Central Perk. One man, one hour, ten seasons. You wonder how he will be able to encompass the entire 236… More Shows by Brendan Murphy
The whole “Magic Goes Wrong” show was hilarious from start to finish. As you would expect, being created by the Mischief company.… More Magic Goes Wrong
Although we remembered a lot of The Drifters songs, the City Adventurers did not know the story behind the group. So it was great to learn about them and the woman who made them when we saw “THE DRIFTERS GIRL”. Beverley Knight plays Faye Treadwell, the legendary manager of The Drifters, who, alongside her husband, fought for… More THE DRIFTERS GIRL
Just before Christmas, the City Adventurers took a trip to Wollaton Hall to see the brand new light trail. The park is transformed into a magical wonderland, with enchanting illuminations set to music. Every corner turned reveals a new setting. Along the way we had the chance to buy mulled wine or hot chocolate. And… More Christmas At Wollaton Hall – Visiting The Light Trail
Just as the phrase ‘A game of two halves’ refers to circumstances that have changed suddenly, so September 2021 became a month of two halves If you’ve not heard the phrase before, it was a football commentator’s cliché. Widely used by the 1990’s, it referred to games which have a different character in the two… More September 2021 – a month of two halves.