Searching for happiness

Every day, people buy too much stuff, eat too much food, and waste away their hours chasing after happiness…to no avail. They may find excitement or satiation, but TRUE HAPPINESS still eludes them. Fortunately, happiness is really inexpensive and pretty simple to find, but that doesn’t mean that it comes easily. However, if you’re bold,… More Searching for happiness

Hunting Rhino

So I’ve been checking out the street art in Brixton ahead of the Street Art in Brixton Treasure Hunt. The Rhino by Louis Masai One of the pieces that I wanted to see was the Rhino by Louis Masai. This was painted for the Save The Rhino campaign and can be found at the back of the Duke of Edinburgh… More Hunting Rhino

Street art – theatre

Graffiti used to be considered a transient form of art. The makeshift canvas of a mundane wall, transformed by a few sprays of paint, into a beautiful mural, tagged by its author…..until it is painted over and the mundane white wall restored. That was until the early 1980s graffiti boom which turned the streets into art galleries and Street… More Street art – theatre

Museum and Exploration of Immigration and Diversity.

I was recently given the opportunity to join the East London Humanists for guided tour of 19 Princelet Street. This building is Europe’s first Museum and Exploration of Immigration and Diversity. The elegant Georgian house was built in 1719 and became  the home of a Huguenot family, who had escaped from persecution in France. It was sub-divided into lodgings and workshops… More Museum and Exploration of Immigration and Diversity.


A film that keeps you on the edge of your seat. With its stellar cast including Helen Mirren and Alan Rickman in his last acting role we chose Eye in the Sky. This British thriller is directed by Gavin Hood and based on Guy Hibbert’s screenplay about drone warfare. I’m not a great war film fan but,… More EYE IN THE SKY

More than a murder mystery in Dickensian London

Marley was dead: to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that. The question was – how did he die and who killed him? This drama begins as a murder mystery in Victorian London. It offers a glimpse into the backstories to the characters described in Charles Dickens works.  Dickens created around 989 named characters and many of… More More than a murder mystery in Dickensian London