Wondering what to give your true love this Christmas?

Knowing what present to buy your loved one can be tough. But do you really want to give them a farm’s worth of livestock and a party load of people? Pity the poor recipient in The Twelve Days of Christmas. This traditional English Christmas carol, first published in England in 1780, tells the story of… More Wondering what to give your true love this Christmas?

Remember, remember the fifth of November…………..

Why should we remember the fifth of November? The rhyme which starts “Remember, remember the fifth of November Gunpowder, treason and plot…….”  has a variety of endings. All entreat us to remember  when there was a failed attempt to blow up parliament. The fifth of November The date is a celebration, going all the way back to the… More Remember, remember the fifth of November…………..

What’s the biggest threat to your relationship?

Financial troubles, intimacy issues, emotional misunderstandings. What’s the biggest threat to your relationship? Surprisingly the biggest treat to relationships is unmet expectations. “I have seen the pain and frustration that plays out from having unmet expectations, not just in marriage, but in all relationships. It’s a deadly venom that flows to the heart and wreaks havoc in relationships,”… More What’s the biggest threat to your relationship?

It’s time for the annual Halloween Treasure Hunt at the British Museum

It’s That Time Again! Between 28th and 31st October 2017 Treasure Hunts In London will be running their annual Trick or Treat Halloween Treasure Hunts around the British Museum. This adventure includes the tricky treasure hunt, based on the specially written Halloween story,   followed by a calming cream tea treat. Begin by meeting the Witches and reading… More It’s time for the annual Halloween Treasure Hunt at the British Museum